Accident and Emergency
Hospital Provides 24/7 Emergency Services

The Accident and Emergency Department is a 15-bedded unit and will be further expanded to 30 beds in future. It has an
attached Emergency Operation Theater. The department is staffed round the clock by a competent team of professionals. Investigations are urgently performed, emergency treatment is promptly administered and decisions about further management are taken.
Our dedicated emergency room team offer excellence in emergency care by:
Trialing at the first point of contact, which expedites and personalizes your care. Streamlining your admissions process
Using the latest Patient Tracking technology, monitoring and imaging equipment. Patient Representatives available to communicate with your family and friends on your progress, providing updates on your diagnosis and treatment.
Telemedicine –state- of- the- art remote patient monitoring technology with targeted personalized medical intervention
and patient management services. This new technology improves the quality of care provided and reduces expenses
to patients to travel to another Island for treatment.