To improve the health and well-being of the communities we serve while providing exceptional and compassionate care.
To be chosen by our staff, our physicians and our community as the best place to work, the best place to practice and the best place to receive comprehensive care.
Values – Health Cares
Continuous Improvement: We achieve innovation in clinical and operational excellence through the application of knowledge gained through discovery and lifetime learning.
Accountability: We accept responsibility for processes and outcomes so that we earn the trust and confidence of those we work with and serve.
Respect: We treat others with dignity, care and compassion, valuing diverse perspectives.
Excellence: We consistently provide the highest quality patient care experience utilizing evidence based practices to ensure patient safety and exceptional quality and service.
Stewardship: We responsibly use the resources entrusted to us, adding value to the communities we live in and serve.
Organizational Goals
High Quality Healthcare
The goal of high quality healthcare addresses local communities Healthcare’s success in delivering on its mission as a healthcare provider. All relevant data and information are utilized to establish our organization’s performance in providing quality healthcare. The goal focuses on improving healthcare outcomes, service delivery results, and functional status. The goal also focuses on achieving superior results relative to other organizations that deliver similar healthcare services.
Compassionate Customer Service
The goal of compassionate customer service addresses important characteristics and performance of services that patients experience or perceive. The focus is primarily on factors that affect patient preferences and loyalty and their view of clinical and service quality. An example would be those features that enhance, or differentiate, in the eyes of the customer, the organization’s services from other providers offering similar services. Also included is how our organization builds relationships with patients and determines their satisfaction.
Financial Strength
The goal of financial strength is related to our organization’s financial performance and health to ensure our continued ability to fulfill West Tennessee Healthcare’s culture, mission, and vision. Financial strength is a basis for strategic planning, new services, decision-making, priority setting, compensation, recognition, and reward.
Community Value
The goal of community value at West Tennessee Healthcare is to plan, support, sponsor, and implement events, activities, or services that contribute to the quality of life of the communities we serve and that support the our vision. As a healthcare organization, West Tennessee Healthcare has a unique community role. In addition to assuring that the business of delivering healthcare has no adverse environmental, safety, or public health effect, we also have the responsibility to improve the health of our communities and practice good citizenship. Public responsibility and community health are both a declaration of citizenship and the measure of ultimate value.
Employee Engagement
The goal of employee engagement at West Tennessee Healthcare is to mobilize all staff to develop and utilize their full potential aligned with the organization’s objectives in the areas of character, compassion, competence, compliance and cooperation. It includes each employee putting forth extra discretionary effort and the likelihood of remaining loyal and with the organization for a long period of time. The work environment and climate must support the well-being, development and initiative of staff in order to achieve full participation and performance excellence.
Ethics and Compliance
The goal of ethics and compliance is to ensure and reinforce ethical behavior and compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. It enhances our ability to achieve business and strategic objectives consistent with our mission and values. Through ethics and compliance, trust and confidence is encouraged on the part of patients, staff, physicians, other healthcare providers, educational institutions, payors, and the communities we serve.